Jewelry for Gemini
Gemini, constellation of the Twins, born May 21st to June 20th. An Air sign, ruled by the planet of communication Mercury (like Virgo), Gemini people are known to be quick-witted, intelligent and sociable. Archetype of the Trickster because of the dualistic nature of their personality (that of the twins), Gemini are people to have around if you want interesting experiences that will keep you on your toes. With their social intelligence and acute skills of observation, it is sometimes said that Geminis can be gossipy and manipulative on one side of their personality - and on the other side of their personality, a fully engaged friend who takes pure interest in learning all they can about you, because of their desire for information & connection. Prone to anxiety & sensitivity to their nervous systems, like their co-Mercury ruled friend Virgo, they should limit stress of any sort. The collection of jewelry we have curated for Gemini was selected for its ability to create more clear communication between the two aspects of their being so they can feel more wholeness in their personality.