Jewelry for Sagittarius
Sagittarius, constellation of the Centaur (half-horse, half-man), born November 22nd to December 21st. A Fire sign, ruled by the planet Jupiter, the planet of higher-knowledge, luck & wisdom might seem like an unlikely match for the ‘bull in the china shop’ type of personality that Sagittarius is known for being. Arguably one of the most eclectic signs, not only is Sagittarius a Centaur but is the archetype of the Archer. Metaphorically trying to land his arrow on universal truth. Sagittarius is a serious seeker of information and experience, and is known to be the world traveller because of this, roaming looking for it everywhere. However, you can find this loquacious character at any bar in your town, having too many beers with the locals, and inevitably getting into heated, but friendly philosophical debates. Sagittarius could benefit from thinking before acting, also at times before speaking. Known to be a direct communicator, this can resonate with some and be off-putting to others. Having a couple of Sagittarius ladies on our team, we have personally curated pieces for our fellow Centaurs to help us all create a clearer vision for where we should send our arrows, and to bring a little more grounding and elegance to how we move through the world.