Root Chakra - Muladhara
As enthusiasts of Yoga and practitioners, at Susana Vijaya, we embrace the concept of Chakras. The earliest documented mention of Chakras originates from the Vedas, which are ancient Indian scriptures that elucidate the principles of Yoga.
Within our bodies, we possess an energy network, with the primary seven Chakras serving as the central hubs of this system. Comprising numerous energy pathways, these pivotal meeting points are recognized as our Chakras, functioning as dynamic vortexes of energy encircling our spinal column.
Extending along the spine, from the lower pelvis to the upper crown of the head, our Chakras correspond to specific body regions and our sentiments.
Located at the bottom of the spine is the Root chakra, our initial energy center characterized by the color red. It serves as the fundamental pillar of our existence, addressing our primal needs as human beings. Analogously, envision yourself as a tree; the stronger and deeper your roots, the more grounded, protected, and nurtured you become. This chakra symbolizes the essence of safety, security, and steadiness.
When this chakra is out of balance, it can manifest as a lack of vitality, accompanied by feelings of apprehension and unease.