Throat Chakra - Vishuddha
As enthusiasts of Yoga and practitioners, at Susana Vijaya, we embrace the concept of Chakras. The earliest documented mention of Chakras originates from the Vedas, which are ancient Indian scriptures that elucidate the principles of Yoga.
Within our bodies, we possess an energy network, with the primary seven Chakras serving as the central hubs of this system. Comprising numerous energy pathways, these pivotal meeting points are recognized as our Chakras, functioning as dynamic vortexes of energy encircling our spinal column.
Extending along the spine, from the lower pelvis to the upper crown of the head, our Chakras correspond to specific body regions and our sentiments.
In our neck, we find the fifth chakra known as the Throat chakra, which is associated with the color blue, specifically a turquoise blue shade. This chakra is closely linked to communication and serves as a channel for expressing the emotions of the heart chakra. It plays a crucial role in our ability to communicate effectively, listen attentively, and uphold integrity in our speech and actions.
When this chakra is imbalanced, individuals may struggle to articulate their thoughts, experience feelings of shyness, withdrawal, and even arrogance.