Jewelry for Pisces
Pisces, the constellation of the Fish, born 19th February to 20th March. A Water sign, Pisces is ruled by the planet Jupiter (also rules Sagittarius), for its influence of expansion, and by Neptune for its association to spirituality. Pisces is the archetype of the Priestess, being so acutely attuned to divinity, being the last sign of the Zodiac, completes the human journey of returning to spirit. Pisces are softies. Unlike their fellow water sign Cancer, who has a hard shell, these people are typically easier to get to know. Lovers of romance, dreams, beauty and fantasy, you might say they live in a different realm. Because they live in the etheric world more than the material world you could say that they are prone to live in illusion. Realizing the reality of life at times can be hard for them and when they come back to reality it can be tremendously upsetting to the balance of their spiritual essence. All of the jewelry pieces we have selected for Pisces help them to enjoy living in their fantasy, but also help them stay grounded, so that their human and spiritual experience is a fluid marrying of duality.